
Food First

This is a special offering of nonperishable food received the first Sunday of each month, to go to Big Bend Care’s Elder Care Services and Second Harvest of the Big Bend.

Grace Mission Food Service Volunteers

Twice each month, volunteers help serve meals at Grace Mission. 

July 4th Meals on Wheels

Our congregation purchases and delivers all the meals served on July 4th by Big Bend Care’s Meals on Wheels.  To take part, e-mail the church office.

Local Ministry Spotlight: Grace Mission

Grace Mission Episcopal Church began over 24 years ago and serves the basic needs of homeless and otherwise vulnerable people. They hold a worship service on Sunday, Evening Prayer on Tuesday, and Morning Prayer on Wednesday. They also offer a 12-step Recovery Service Program, as well as a Bible Study ministry. They provide referrals to counseling, recovery, and in-and-out patient rehab facilities. Grace Mission’s outreach within the neighborhood includes an after-school program 3 times per week for children grades 1-5. Grace has provided quarterly medical clinics, prescription medication and they help pay for over-the-counter medications as needed. They also offer free flu shots and Hepatitis A shots in partnership with FSU Medical School and Leon County Health Department. They provide referrals to counseling, recovery, and in-and-out-patient rehab facilities. They support other daily needs with supplied clothes, coats, warm blankets, non-prescription glasses, and hygiene products, along with a monthly free clothing giveaway. Furthermore, working with State agencies, Grace Mission helps secure birth certificates and State photo IDs to assist members of the community in securing employment. Grace Mission has over 20,000+ volunteer hours per year helping to serve 40,000+ meals, as well as provide showers and laundry services, all at no charge and reports a clean audit every year of operation. You can find Grace at 303 West Brevard Street in the Frenchtown Neighborhood and if you would like to contribute visit their website to see how.